Mrs.Watson's 1st Grade

News You Can Use …

January 25, 2016

on January 25, 2016

Reading (Information Text with a Science Connection)

This week we will read the book, On The Moon.  The students will:determine the authors purpose, recognize that names of place are proper nouns and identify and use antonyms.


The students reviewed the following addition strategies to accurately solve addition problems: ingers, cubes, number line, ten frames, counters and draw a picture.  The students will bring home a flip book with these strategies.  Please have your child tell you about each strategy.  The students will continue practicing the following strategies to solve addition problems:  zero facts, adding one, counting on, ten facts, double facts, double neighbors, adding ten, adding nine.

There are songs to help remember each strategy below!

Words of the Week

Last week the students practiced words with the /ch/ digraph.  This week the students will practice words with the /wh/ digraph.  Example words: what, when, where, why, which, whisper, white, while, wheel, whistle, wheat.  The students did a nice job on the /ch/ words of the week tests.  Each week they are getting more accurate with the dictation portion of the test.  Some students are forgetting to begin each sentence with a capital letter and end with a period.  Please have your child practice writing the words of the week in sentences.


Science homework is due tomorrow, January 26th.

Last week the students started discussing what causes day and night.  They learned that the earth spins on an imaginary line that runs through the earth, the axis. (rotation)  They learned that it takes one full day for the earth to rotate on its axis.   This week they will learn that the earth rises in the east and sets in the west and the reasons for the seasons.  These are BIG concepts for first graders.  We will use picture books, short videos and hands-on materials to introduce and develop an understanding of these topics.


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